Posts Tagged ‘AMD’

Drive, I Said

Sunday, 24 August 2008

In the interval since I installed a new Linux driver for my AMD ATI video adapter, I have had fewer incidents of being logged-out when using Firefox, but there were still a few pages such that I would be logged out of my Linux session when I attempted to scroll through them with Firefox.

Yester-day or to-day, AMD ATI released a newer version of the driver, which seems to have resolved the remaining problem.

[Addendum (2008:08/27): Ah, I wrote too soon. The frequency of the problem has dropped further, but Firefox will still cause me to be logged out of the linux session when I scroll at least one of those pages.]

Driven to Destruction

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Yester-day or the day before that, AMD made available a new version of their Linux driver for the graphics adapter in my note-book computer. I was pleased, as I hoped that it would eliminated the logging-out problem that I've been having. (This problem did not go away when I up-dated my driver on 6 July.)

Well, things have changed with the new driver, but seemingly for the worse. I'm still logged-out when using Firefox with some webpages, but now the display ends-up blanked and effectively disabled, so that I have to completely restart the system. (Perhaps the frequency of being logged-out has been reduced.)

Oh well. I will hope that the next driver up-date resolves the problem.